Sunday, February 23, 2025
Lifestyle Mental Health

Putting It All Out There

Nine years. It’s been nine years to the day since I moved to Prague. And ironically, one year since I made my last blog post. I’ve tried to write what I’m feeling more than once but kept falling short. A lot can change in a year. And a lot can stay the same if you let it. I am still trying to channel the courageous, adventurous 23-year-old Kasey that I talked about in my last blog post. I mean, I moved to a foreign country alone for Christ’s sake, I know I have the fire within me to do great things. I hope that by the time I end up writing my next blog post, I’ll be able to tell you about all the new adventures that I had. Life isn’t always easy, and it’s definitely not hard to fall into the same routines. Not that routines are always a bad thing, but it’s nice to experience new things. I miss new experiences. I have certainly fallen into a routine, making it feel like a year of my life has flown by in the blink of an eye.

The good news is, I no longer have the crippling back pain that I’d previously mentioned. After trying virtually everything to no avail, it suddenly got better one day last May. I don’t begin to try and understand what made it better, and I pray (to God, to my spirit guides, to whoever’s listening honestly) that it remains that way. That certainly makes my day-to-day life and my mental health much better. Although I’ve particularly been struggling with anxiety lately, it has improved with the help of medication and my lovely therapist. Life has overall been good. And although today is a tough day for me emotionally (I blame it on the nostalgia), I am forever grateful for my time abroad for shaping me into the person I am today. I know I talk about it a lot here, but it’s the reason I created my blog in the first place. I’ll admit, it’s much harder to write about yourself when you’re not constantly going on new adventures (hence why this post is a bit all over the place), but I also write to get things off my chest and because I just plain like it. After going so long without posting, I forgot how cathartic it is to put your thoughts into words. So, instead of hyper-focusing on the ‘right’ things and making everything perfect, this time ’round, I’m simply putting it all out there. For better or for worse.

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